Abstract Submission Guidelines

Follow the guidelines below to submit an abstract to IKCS: North America.  All submitters are required to create a free account with Swoogo to access the abstract submitter.

Important Deadlines


Abstract Submission Deadline (all submissions including LBA placeholder submissions due at this time):

Thursday, August 22, 2024

LBA Final Data Submission Deadline (final data, results, and conclusions for LBA placeholder submissions due at this time): 
Additional instructions will be sent to lead authors to complete their LBA submissions

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Abstract Notifications will be sent to lead authors:

Thursday, September 26, 2024

LBA lead authors will receive abstract notifications:

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Abstract Submission Types:

  • Regular Abstract (All research types and summaries of new, ongoing, and updated research relating to kidney cancer will be considered)
  • Trials in Progress Abstract (All research types that are open, enrolling, ongoing, and have not reached pre-specified endpoints for analysis.)
  • Late-breaking Data Submission Abstract (Phase I, II, III, or IV trials and original, high-impact research that could impact practice and standard of care)
  • Case Report (A report of the diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of an individual patient)

Abstract Sections:

  • Abstract Title: The title should objectively describe the study and should not include proprietary drug names.
  • Abstract Text: The abstract text should be no more than 300 words including the title and abstract body. Word count does not apply towards spaces, authors, and affiliations. IKCS does not have a standard format for abstracts. It does not need to be subdivided into Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions sections, but any well-written abstract should contain the elements in that basic order.
  • Optional Abstract Graph, Illustration, or Table: One brief graph, illustration, or table is permitted. An image, or table should only be included if you think it will help to clarify a complex methodology or to summarize an involved set of results.
  • Authors: The maximum number of authors permitted is 20.

Pharmaceutical industry authors are allowed to present abstracts in non-CME sessions (Poster Sessions). If an abstract is selected for presentation
in a CME-session, and the presenter has financial relationships with ACCME-defined ineligible companies, an alternate presenter must be identified.
A non-named author can present a poster if written permission is provided by the lead author to meetings@kidneycancer.org.

Abstract Policies:

  • "Confidentiality Policy: Abstracts are confidential at the time of submission. KCA will release full abstracts on the meeting platform website leading up to the meeting. 
  • Meeting registration is required to access the abstracts."
  • Abstract Presentation Ownership: Abstract Presentations (PPT slides and Posters) are owned by the author.
  • KCJ Open Access Policy

IKCS Conference Proceedings Publication:
KCA is interested in publishing the conference proceedings after the symposia. If you submit an abstract or give a talk, you may be invited to write a short manuscript based on your presentation that will appear in a special issue of Kidney Cancer related publication. Details will be available at a later time.