Full Name
Jean-Christophe Bernhard
Job Title
CHU de Bordeaux
Speaker Bio
Professor Jean-Christophe Bernhard MD, PhD, is a Urologic Surgeon specialized in minimally invasive and robotic surgery at the University Hospital Bordeaux, France. He is the coordinator of the National databank and French research network on Kidney Cancer UroCCR (www.uroccr.fr), certified by the French National Institute of Cancer (INCa), Coordinator of the Research & Innovation Program on kidney cancer - I.CaRe Bordeaux.
Coordinator of the RHU program Digital Urology 3D (France 2030, www.digital-urology-3d.fr)
Coordinator of the Digital & Personalized Recovery in Urology project (DiPRU) (France 2030, BPI France)
Medical Director of the Robotic Training Center of Bordeaux University.
Leader of the emerging Kidney Cancer team (I.CaRe) of the Inserm U1312 unit BRIC (BoRdeaux Institute of OnCology) (https://www.bricbordeaux.com/en/bric-team/equipe-emergente-i-care-programme-integre-de-recherche-innovation-sur-le-cancer-du-rein/)
Coordinator of the Fund for Research & Innovation in kidney surgery (www.chirurgie-renale-bordeaux.fr)
Coordinator of the RHU program Digital Urology 3D (France 2030, www.digital-urology-3d.fr)
Coordinator of the Digital & Personalized Recovery in Urology project (DiPRU) (France 2030, BPI France)
Medical Director of the Robotic Training Center of Bordeaux University.
Leader of the emerging Kidney Cancer team (I.CaRe) of the Inserm U1312 unit BRIC (BoRdeaux Institute of OnCology) (https://www.bricbordeaux.com/en/bric-team/equipe-emergente-i-care-programme-integre-de-recherche-innovation-sur-le-cancer-du-rein/)
Coordinator of the Fund for Research & Innovation in kidney surgery (www.chirurgie-renale-bordeaux.fr)
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